KARNATAKA KAYASTHA SAMAJ (KKS)ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ ಕಾಯಸ್ಥ ಸಮಾಜ್ (ಕಕಾಸ)REGN. No. DRB4/SOR/310/2018-2019 dated 15/03/2019

Kayastha is a caste or community of Hindus in India and believes in earning a livelihood with the pen. Kayasthas are considered to be members of the literate scribe caste & have traditionally acted as keepers of records & public accounts, writers, and administrators of the state. Kayasthas have historically occupied the highest government offices and are serving the nation in various capacities across industries, government, private, and public sectors, Defense, and now business sector too.

Through the KKS website, Mr. Ramesh Chandra Srivastava becomes the first member to join the KKS. Mr. Ramesh Chandra Srivastava, who belongs to Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh, worked in SBI for nearly 40 years in UP, Maharashtra, and Karnataka and retired as General Manager. Post-retirement, he decided to settle down in Bangalore with his son who also works for SBI, and was looking for a Kayastha community to get associated with. He knew a few Kayastha families in Bangalore but they were also unrelated to any Kayastha community group. His wife encouraged him to browse the Internet /Google to find out about any Kayastha community association/society in Bangalore to join them and contribute to the betterment of his community. While browsing, he came across the website of KKS (Karnataka Kayastha Samaj) which contains all the details on how to become a member of KK Samaj online. We downloaded the application form and paid the membership fees online through the KKS website and thus became a life member of KKS on 12th March 2023. The KKS website has a lot of information about the various initiatives in progress, history, life members, membership forms and payment options, scholarships, charity and social events, office bearers, event photos, etc. He wholeheartedly appreciates the team working on the website to make it information-rich and user-friendly. He conveys his best wishes to all his fellow members in KKS and the office bearers for doing a wonderful job wonderfully. He is committed to continuing with KKS with his full support.

KKS strongly believes in empowering women/girls from weaker sections of society by educating them with skills in demand so as to enable them to live a dignified life and start believing in themselves, thereby bringing a change in society.

KKS encourages all its members, their families, and friends to meet/ network with fellow members to promote social and cultural values amongst all for the betterment of the community, which in turn helps members get benefitted from each other.

KKS always believes in giving back to society and reaches out to organizations and NGOs involved in helping the needy in times of distress, and natural calamities, with financial aid, thereby helping the society with support from its members.

Kudos to the working team under the dynamic leadership of Shri AMB
Thanks to Animesh ji and everyone who stepped up to make the event a great success 🙏🏼
I love to listen to new voices and it was a pleasure listening to Mayuri ji, Tarun ji, and the folk songs by the ladies' group.
The AGM was conducted in a systematic & democratic way and kudos to the entire team for a successful event. 👏👏👏
Our heartfelt thanks to the organizers who must have put in so much time and effort in making it a success. All the artists were lovely.
In the end, no complaints, only thanks and thanks.
Special thanks to Animesh ji.
Kudos to the dynamic President, his dedicated EC Team, and all those who have rendered their support in making the occasion a grand celebration.
Last but not the least important are the KKS Members to whom gratitude has to be expressed for their active participation.
We had a very nice time yesterday and thanks to the whole organising committee for this grand get-together. Kayasthas are important contributors to the nation's intellect, economy, and health through their chosen professions. It was great to know a lot of luminaries yesterday through so many interactions.
It takes a lot of effort to get so many intelligent people together, and the whole KKS leadership team did a great job in accomplishing this! 👏👏👏👍👌
We hope and pray that this continues in our future programs as well.
The Executive Committee and friends did burn the midnight oil to put together this event and we expressed our gratitude and thanks to them.
This requires devotion, emotion, and submersion.
Be it a Newsletter, Website, and Mission with Vision.
The frantic paddling under the water ensures Glide over the water.
My vocabulary fails to find a word of appreciation for each member of The Team, I can only 🫡🙏.
The newsletter is compiled very well. Great work was shown by all the participants.👍
Congratulations to President KKS and the editorial team🙏
Kudos to the editorial team👍
Thanks 🙏 to the galvanizing phenomenon instituted by the energetic President and his dynamic team.
And, of course, cheers to the esteemed KKS Members whose presence generated the wave of fraternity.
Thanks 🙏 to the galvanizing phenomenon instituted by the energetic President and his dynamic team.
And, of course, cheers to the esteemed KKS Members whose presence generated the wave of fraternity.
Though the attendance was not as expected, real musical lovers enjoyed the musical night.
It was a blessing in disguise, those who participated in the event escaped from the stress and disappointment of the World Cup debacle.
The venue chosen was superb, well-maintained, and centrally located, excellent audio system, very good seating arrangement, and good lighting.
On top of all, the singer was excellent. Dr Meelu alone managed to sing melodious songs of yesteryears for about 3 hours. You might listen to these songs on various platforms, but the live performance is always different. The singer and the musicians put their creativity into it which you may not find elsewhere.
All the dedicated team members put in great effort to make it happen, and with all the odds, managed to get some decent funds for the KKS kitty.
It was a nice Holi celebration yesterday with very good attendance after a long time. All enjoyed. Thanks to the organizers for arranging the nice venue and food in a short time.
The team worked and maintained the tempo. We together kept moving ahead, holding hands to give our best. Any because of ......did not dilute our focus and we achieved the best, despite......
Together we can do and we did.
I take this opportunity to put on record our appreciation for his immense contribution to KKS.